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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

30 Days of Thankfulness- Day 1 & 2

I read quit a few blogs each day, some I check a few times a day they are so good. But today after seeing several blogs with the topic 30 days of thankfulness I had to jump on the band wagon. I'm curious to see how many things we have in common.
Since I missed yesterday this blog will have 2 things I'm thankful for. 1st is I'm thankful for being healthy and able to go workout at the gym as much as I want.

And some day I hope to look as good as Marilyn and workout in a bikini..No I won't that's another Gym no no

The second thing I am thankful for is really good books! I love to read. I read at every spare moment during the day and at bed time. If it's really good sometimes I'll read at red lights, well at least I did with Twilight series.

There is nothing better than reading books while cozy in a warm blanket on a dark, rainy days !!!
If you have a blog that you are also doing the Thankfulness challenge leave a comment so I can stop by and read it! If you don't blog but are thankful for something anyway leave me a comment! Cannot wait to read them. Happy November!

1 comment:

Julie - Life Continues said...

1. I am thankful that all my children and grand-children were born healthy, by God's grace.

2. I must say I am thankful for my family, regardless of the ups and downs in life, they all show me their love unconditionally.