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Sunday, September 4, 2011

WO 8/29/11

8/29 I skipped due to babysitting
 Today I stepped on a treadmill for the first time in 2 weeks (since my race). I had mixed emotions about this because I couldn't decided if I had grown to hate running and I really didn't want to. I stretched for a minute and started my music up. I turned that treamill on and took off. The smile on my face surprised me a minute. I do LOVE to run and I don't think I could ever hate it. I'm unofficially back in training. I have tentative plans to run a race in September but the 2 I have chosen are at Noon. Who wants to run at 12 on a Saturday in 95 degree weather, here's a hint......NOT ME!
So, I did 40 minutes of interval running. 5.0-8.0 MPH with a .5-4.0 incline. I should of really just did an easy run getting back into things but I can't help myself I love the speed!

 I'm sore today from my speed run yesterday so I did the stationary bike.
Aerobic hills 35 min. lvl 3
Treamill 30 min. at 4.0%-10% incline 3.2 mph

I ran! I ran outside in the most perfect weather. I even had to wear a long sleeve shirt it was just the most perfect fall running weather. The paths were full of runners, dog walkers and strollers, so I'm not the only one who thought the same thing.
I ran 5 miles in 55 min.

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