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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Spring cleaning..in the Fall

OMG, I am so tired! Twice a year I consign at a consignment sale. It's just a weekend sale of all kid things. To get ready for this consignment sale I have to go through all the boys belongings and get them ready.
Hang them on a hanger
Enter them into the website
Print barcode tags
Safety pin the tags to the clothes
Put the toys, socks, shoes and more into seperate bags and tag those
Organize clothes by size then rubber band
Load boxes
Load boxes into the car
Drive to the sale and drop off
Pick up any unsold items on Monday night

Lots of work to sell the stuff huh! I never remember to pick up my stuff, so it all get donated to March of Dimes. I'm totally fine with that. I don't want it back in my house. I rarely make much money but it's better than a garage sale. I don't have time for that. Any way I call this my Spring cleaning in the Fall. I love purging unused clothes and toys. I do get the boys a new something for letting me sell there toys though. This year I told them something that will last several years and that Dylan cannot break in the 1st 5 minutes.
I am proud of myself for getting this done, but I'm so tired. I felt a surge of energy to clean our basement out and redo the boys bathroom at the same time too. Pictures to follow. I was so tired of the cleaning I was in bed with lights out at 9:15pm last night!
Let's all keep our fingers crossed for some good money this go around. I could use it!

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