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Friday, October 14, 2011

Peach Marmalade

With all those Peaches I had I stepped it up with a Peach Marmalade, jelly, jam whatever you want to call it. I looks so good and now that I know how much sugar goes into jelly...It's officially off my list of eating items. Yeah, that list is getting pretty big these days.
Here is how to can Peaches and make peach jelly:
                                                                   Get your peaches
                                    boil them for about 30 seconds, longer if not fully ripened yet
                                                      immediately put them in cold water
                                                   The skin should peel right off!
                                                       cut, pit and chop up the peaches,
                                boil your peaches with lemon juice and pectin, then add 7 cups of sugar
                                                   bring to another boil for 10 minutes.
                                                               Fill your sterile jars!
                                                        Seal properly, cool and store!
I had a few peaches saved just to preserve for us to eat later. I skinned them, cut them in half, pitted them and made a sugar preserve. Filled up the jar and sealed those too!

I will truly try my work soon, so I know if I need to work on my skill or if I'm actually good at something the first time I try it ;)


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