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Friday, August 5, 2011

Happy Birthday TC!

8 Years ago (yesterday) I gave birth early to the most precious baby boy! Well precious for the first week at least. Lil' TC was born premature and was in NICU for about a week. He was 5 lbs 7 oz. and 19 inches long. He had little hair that was a bit dark and the most precious blue eyes I had seen in a long time.

He cried little and ate little, he was hard to nurse. When we were finally allowed to take him home to our apartment, he cried................and cried and cried. To find out months later when the crying just wouldn't stop from either of us that he had colic. I told myself that I was never having any more babies because colic will kill a mother! There is no cure and it's not fun. Here is a tip for any mom's with colicky babies, put chamomile tea in the babies bottle and it will help relieve the gas in the tummy and calm them. I kept TC in his car seat a lot, it seemed to be the only place he was happy. Our most favorite thing to do was put his car seat in front of the stereo speaker and listen to music. He was pretty fond of "We will rock you" and to this day it's his favorite song. I'm just remembering these things as I type. I love it!

TC has blessed me with something new everyday for the last 8 years with his crying, giggling, his fear of anything bug related, that he accepted the Lord into his life, his ability to play any sport and be great at it, his hate for school work, his loving kisses and hugs everyday and many more. I cannot wait to have more blessings from him for years to come.
You were the best thing God had planned for me, even though I was not planning you at age 23!

I love you TC! Happy 8th Birthday!

This birthday post is a day late because I took him to Pirate's Cove all day yesterday with friends then he wanted to go to Cici's pizza for dinner. By the time we all got home we were tired, full and ready for bed! Tanner has chosen to have a birthday party with friends in a few weeks, so come back for pictures on that.


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