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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Week 10 Done!

I am so freakin' glad week 10 is done! This week was harder for me then the last 10.
I'm old

My knees hurt

My ass cheeks are sore

It's hot out....it's hot inside and I wish I was outside!

It's repetitive

I'm a little unmotivated

I had to workout alone

I worked all week long

Still had to clean/chores, laundry, carpool, coupons, grocery shop, library, (much more) and still do a freakin' 60 minute hard core workout!

Last night was pretty much my suckish workout I have ever done. I didn't do chin up (no bar) so I did like a million push up, crunches and planks to make up for it. That took out every other ounce of energy I had left in me. I quit the video with 20 minutes left.

I'm OK with that.

Today my ass isn't as sore

My knees didn't click or hurt

I got to be with my freakin' awesome friends who keep me motivated

Today I started week 11!

It rocked! It was all push ups and chin/pull ups. I filled out one whole sheet! That's 11 weeks done of Chest and Back!!
I went from barely doing 1 push up to doing 15 at a time.
More progress later!

I am so freakin' excited I am almost done. With the weather being so nice, I just want to get out and run!

Until next week!


1 comment:

Julie - Life Continues said...

Nicole I am so proud of you!