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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

P90X Week 9 DONE!

Really not sure where week 9 went. It was a breeze, so routine now that I don't even remember what we did. I know Monday is always Leg day and now it's Wed. and I feel so sore still. I had to do fast sprints on the treadmill last night just to get my legs moving and of course so I don't lose my speed ;)
I was supposed to do Kenpo yesterday but my day was so long and I was so exhausted the only thing I could muster was sprints for about 15 min. There was going to be no 60 min. workout from me.
We skipped Yoga (cause who likes that) and did Core instead, loving it.
My only regret so far is that I didn't follow the nutrition plan for P90X or change much of my eating habits.
Darn sweets!! I have no will power over my sweet tooth. I missed Lent this year and I was going to give up sweets again. So know I have to figure out when to start up another strict diet.
With only 2 weeks left I will be taking a few days off for recovery, regroup, and plan.
I do hope by April 1st I will be very strict on all my stuff and getter done!

2 WEEKS left, pray for me to finish this strong! I cannot wait to share my results!


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