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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

P90X Week 8 Done!

Yep, only 4 weeks to go!! I needed a recovery week badly. We got several inches of snow on Thursday so I was out shoveling, on top of my workouts my knees and back have been on fire!
We had our horrible Yoga sessions, I've learned to just sit and relax on the moves I hate, or that hurt my back. We also did Core Synergenics which I love. It's a lot of push ups, planks and jumping. All stuff that's good for getting a better core. Which is mostly my main problem. Isn't that all women's problem that are working out to lose weight?!? We all want stomach to go first and it seems like it's always the last.
I used to hate jumping jacks, squat jumps and all that, but now I can do them really well, so I like them. Well when I have a good support sports bra on. Else that's just a whole Lotta bouncing!
My best accomplishment for this week was that I can hold a plank for 1 minute and 5 seconds. I'm so excited!

Today was around 60 degrees so I got out and ran. It felt good! Even though I haven't run in forever I feel like a new runner.
Looking forward the last 4 weeks of P90X and see my accomplishments in a whole.


Monday, February 27, 2012

24 Books in 2012

I would like to read a minimum of 24 books this year. Which should be no problem. Here is what I really want to read.

1. Girl that played with Fire
2. The Double Bind
3. Unbroken
4. Crazy Love; overwhelmed by a relentless God
5. The Christmas Wedding by James Patterson
6. Calm my anxious heart By Linda Dillow
7. Organized Simplicity
8. All 3 of The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
9. A new you by Friday
10. The time of my life by Patrick Swayze
11. Kardashian Konfidential By the Kardashian's
12. Life is not a reality show by Kyle Richards
13. The Naked Truth by Danielle Staub
14. A new child by Friday
15. 21 days to a more disciplined life
16. Sarah's Key
17. The girl and the hornets nest
18. Firefly Lane
19. Something blue, something borrowed series

I'm only listing 19 cause some of these are series.

If you have read any of these and suggest that I Don't, let me know.


Friday, February 24, 2012

Quinoa & Black Beans

I recently discovered Quinoa. So many people talked about and I finally tried it. I got Bob's Red Mill Organic Whole Grain Quinoa. The first time we ate it we cooked it like rice and added celery, and carrots. It was so good.
For our dinner last night I made Quinoa with black beans and other yummy stuff. It was a small portion and it filled us up good. I'll be making it again.

Quinoa and Black Beans
4 servings

1/2 Tsp Vegetable Oil
1/2 Onion chopped
1 tsp Garlic
1/4 cup uncooked Quinoa
1/2 C. Vegetable broth ( I used Chk broth)
1/2 tsp Cumin
1/8 tsp Cayenne Pepper
Salt and Pepper to taste
1/4 Cup Corn
1/2 Can Black Beans drained and rinsed
3 TBSP chopped Cilantro

Heat oil in skillet, add onion and garlic. Mix Quinoa and vegetable broth into onions. Season with cumin, cayenne, salt, and pepper. Bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
Stir in Corn (if frozen simmer 5 min.) Mix in black beans and cilantro. Simmer until heated through.
Serve and Enjoy!
So easy and delish!

Recipe found through google then on allrecipes.com


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

P90X week 7 Complete

Yes! Week 7 finally done.  I feel so tired. My body just needs a break already! My knees are quite sore. Not sure if it's from all the jumps but they need a break.
I gave it my all in week 7, I am tired of my muffin top and baby pouch. I am determined to get in a pair of flattering jeans, a bikini by summer and the right fitting bra!
I do need to do the 3 ab workouts each week, we have really been lax about that. It's so hard to keep your legs in the air after doing 200 lunges!
 By the end of this 12 week workout I just need to be satisfied with all the work that I've done. I just wish I could be more self disaplined with my eating like I am with my workouts.
Since I haven't seen the full results I'm already planning on my next fitness challenge.
I am happy that I'm in the best shape of my life and I am doing moves I never thought I could and back to being flexable.
Can't wait to come back and say week 8 complete! I see the light at the end of the tunnel.


January and February Books

This was such a good book! Cannot wait to read the last one!
I did not finish this book...it was horrible. Which was pretty disappointing since the first book I read by Chris Bohjalian was so good.
On to the next.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I Confess...

Yes, I confess! I'm a magazine hoarder. I have so many magazines that my coffee tables bottom has bent so low it might break off. And it's made of iron! Let me explain I am a sucker for the magazine door to door sales people from the High school. I purchased the 1 year to Parents mag when my boys were little. Twice. Then they lost my order. Twice. So the company gave me an additional year free. Twice. So that's 4 years of Parents mag that I just put in a pile. I never read any of them!
Then a killer Real Simple coupon came out for like 1 year for $7. Then I did it again the following year. Maybe reading 4 of them.
Then another great deal...5280 and Runner's world and Women's Day! I swore I would read them. I do have to admit the only mag I open is the Runner's World. I love them!
Then when I go to the gym I get the free competitor and Max mags too!
I've learned that if it's fitness, I'll read it.

My P90x workout buddy also gets People, In Touch and Life & Style when she's done reading it, I get those too. When I work at the salon, I bring home past months mags to catch up on the gossip, fitness or food magazine articles too.

Back about 6 years ago I did purchase a lot of wedding magazines too. Looking at dresses, centerpieces and all that wonderful wedding planning stuff. I kept them all. Why? I don't have a clue. So about 4 months ago I recycled all of them. But I'm still sitting on several years of unread mags.
I just rather read a book!
I promised though that I would read all the Parents Mags before March and try and sell them at the consignment sales I'm going to sell at. I don't even care if I get $1.00 for all 4 years but they will be out of my house! And that is the goal and my hubby will be so excited!

So there you have it, my big secret...I'm a magazine hoarder!

I took a picture but it's still on my camera. I've been super lazy with the picture taking, baking and all that. I'll get my groove back, Stella did! It is Stella right?


Monday, February 13, 2012

Hint #2

Here is your hint #2 for the reveal of my big news......
Today I put in my application and pictures for a Passport.

The cost of a Passport these days are ridiculous by the way. I'm going to have to get passports for the family 1 person per month at the cost of $140!

Anyone have a guess?


p90x Weeks 5 & 6!!

These past weeks have flown by I thought we were just finishing up week 5 today! I think it's so routine now that I can't keep track of what we are doing. Wed. we start week 7.

In week 5 we started doing combo's of Back and Biceps and Chest, Shoulder and Triceps I would have to say that so far they are my favorite workouts. They are hard but I notice through soreness that it's working.
I'm just in shock the 4 of us girls have stuck through it. I missed 2 days last week so I had to do 2 workouts on Sunday and it wasn't that bad at all. I gave me energy for the rest of the day. But I hit the pillow hard last night.
Looking at it all now I can't believe we will have accomplished this entire thing in 4 more weeks!
Nothing else will change for the rest of the weeks and I'm OK with that.
I've lost several inches so far but zero pounds. I think most women focus on the weight most and I know that muscle weighs more then fat. I just hoped that the muscles would have burned a little faster!
I lost 11 inches in 6 weeks with the last challenge.

On Friday I did sprint intervals on the treadmill. I loved it. I really  need to get back in the habit of running at least 3-5 miles, 5 days per week. I have several races I want to do coming up and I think it will help lose the pounds. Running has got to be the best cardio for weight loss in my opinion.
I'm thinking of skipping P90x 2 and moving onto Insanity next. But I'm going to be a follower on this one, majority rules when you have so many of us.

Measurements to come soon!


Friday, February 10, 2012

Big news coming...

Big new for me coming soon. Let's build up the suspension with:
No I'm not pregnant!
I've printed up an application!
Come back for the next clue.

Monday, February 6, 2012

P90x Week 4

I cannot believe I've worked out for 4 weeks straight! I've learned a few things this week though.
I HATE Yoga! P90x is definitely a workout you do with friends, not alone. It's easy to go half ass and still get a good workout in.
Week 4 was recovery week, so it was nothing but Yoga, stretching and cardio. I missed weights though so I did a quick 30 min hard core arms day and a few leg workouts.
I still don't notice much besides I'm actually getting biceps! I feel so strong.
I went on a 1 mile run the other afternoon. I ran fast, but it was freakin' cold and breathing was hard. I also got severe pain shooting through my ankle/heel area. So I had to walk it out.
There is just nothing like running super fast with blasting rock music. Cannot hear a thing going on around me and it's pure bliss. I cannot wait to really start 5, 7 and 10 mile runs here soon. Well I pray I can do it.

Here we are going into week 5 P90x, excited to try out new workouts.
