Most of you all know that I'm from the beautiful Pacific Northwest, a small town called Issaquah. Issaquah is about 30 minutes East of Seattle. I grew up in Issaquah from the time I started 7th grade at Pine Lake Middle School with my BFF's Lauren and Bekah. What I love so much about home is the friends, the family, the friendly people, the fact they know how to drive, sometimes the rain and walking in the drains while it's pouring down rain, Greenlake, Going to Mariner's games, the sun in
August and September, the bars and just hanging out. I am really missing home right now and am dying to go back. Since Roger is the only one really working the housing there is way out of our budget. If I could go back I would:
Map out all the best Hiking spots
Snow Ski
Get on Water Skis again
Get in touch with old friends for girls night and meet there kids...Anna and Kelsey that means you!
Photograph everything I took for granted
See more history of the state
Travel more West and South of my comfort zone
Go to Joker Pub..I know I would run into a million Issy HS peeps!
OH Issaquah how I miss you!
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