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Friday, January 22, 2010

Bullies and Name Brands

I don't think that bullies started for me until middle school, mostly teased about little things here and there. I never got pushed down or anything like that mostly teased. Teased about clothes I wore..now looking back in Middle school I could care less about the shirts I wore! I had amazing friends that told me I looked cute.
Can you believe that Tanner actually has bullies in 1st grade! I am shocked. Tanner never complains but I was told by another mom that Tanner get pushed down at the bus stop by the older boys, he also gets called dummy by the neighbor kid too. I just think that parents around here are way to oblivious about what is going on with there kids.
To top it all off, the brand name for 1st graders is Under Armour!! I cannot even afford to wear Under Armour clothes let alone my 6 year old. The cool kids at school wear this and you are teased if you wear anything different. I dress Tanner is some nice looking clothes always nice Jeans with a polo or a sweater. He does have the dress down t-shirts but they are from GAP and children's place. Tanner even wears Ralph Lauren! I just don't understand why little kids have to judge at such a young age. Back off 7 year olds, wait until middle school! By then I can save up some money :)

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