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Friday, July 20, 2012


OMG!! I am actually leaving in 2 weeks to Nicaragua!
I am caught up on all my shots and picked up my prescriptions.
Today I picked up my insect repellent with Deet in it, I made sure I had my passport copies.
Now I'm just trying to add up donations (still accepting till Tuesday morning ;)I'm so close to having the total amount, just need a bit more to cover airfare...Making sure I have the proper forms filled out, and the proper clothes to wear.
I have decided to do a final "fundraiser" if you will by holding my own garage sale. I plan on doing this next Friday. I hope people buy all my junk I mean treasures! It's been stacking up in my living room and my house looks like I'm a hoarder.
I am excited to go, I can't wait to meet all these children I've been fundraising for.
I hope to bond with my team and make life long friends.
I do hope to blog more in the coming week as I prepare to leave.


1 comment:

Julie - Life Continues said...

So excited for you, what a wonderful opportunity to share your love of Christ and to make life better for the orphans!