So back to the bucket list I have about 2 pages of things I want to see and do before I die. I also don't make any money and my husband makes very little so the skydiving and going to Athens wasn't going to be where I start. So I started at watching the classics.
8*9*2009 I watched Citizen Kane. I did not like this movie. I sat through the first 1 1/2 and didn't find it interesting at all. So I turned it off. Now remember this is my bucket list so if I don't want to watch something crappy I can still say I tried it!
On 8*22*09 I tried once more with The Godfather. I really don't understand why people like this one either. I watched again the first 1 1/2 of this one and fell asleep. I mean I couldn't keep my eyes open. When I awake from my slumber I fast forward a little and still didn't like it. I never did try and watch it with Al Pacino they may be better.
This day I also watched half of Casablanca. This really was pushing me towards a nap. I don't know if I'm cut out for old movies! Or it may be the time of day I was watching them. Don't think I'll try watching this one again....On to the last movie.
I really was taking this bucket list seriously if you cannot tell by now. Last but not least I watched Gone with the wind! I was to watch this movie in film class my senior year of High School. I fell asleep a little but who didn't in HS? But I did truly enjoy Gone with the Wind. This 1939 classic of a women who won't admit she's in love with this man just to lose him in the end, and go from luxury to poverty. I just loved all the characters, the fight for love and the drama that came along with it, the outfits that everyone wore. I almost wished I lived back in those days of horse drawn carriage instead of a car. When men truly "wined and dined" the ladies! Granted it was not all wonderful with the drama and the war but this movie was wonderful! 

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