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Monday, April 19, 2010

Francesca Battistelli - Beautiful, Beautiful

So everyone has that one song, that one song you tell everyone in the car to SHUT UP so you can turn up the radio full volume and belt out the words to. Well I have many of those my kids can definetly attest to that. But about a month ago we are sitting at church and one of the choir directors does a solo called Beautiful, Beautiful. I had never heard the song before but I was addicted. I wanted to know right away who sang it. And I was plesently surprised I was already listening to Francesca Battisitelli's Free to be me. I can listen to Francesca all day, it's very uplifting, she is such a passionate, amazing singer. I just had to share my belt it out song with you all! She has a full video out on youtube as well if you want to watch it. So now, turn up the volume on the computer and mute the kids.
Happy Listening!

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